Members of the HOF Board are not allowed to nominate anyone, so we need your help with the nomination process. Below are the rules, and an online form that you can complete for anyone you believe is worthy.
"Nomination Rules"
The rules and procedures for nomination are as follows:
A nominee must be a native or have been a resident or have attended school or have coached or have worked in Calhoun County, Alabama. Nominees may be or have been athletes, coaches, administrators, officials, team doctors, media, or any similar position who have made significant contributions to athletics and their respective communities.
A nominee must be either 1) at least 40 years old at the time of induction and inactive in the athletic category for at least (3) years, 2) at least 62 years old, or 3) deceased.
Any person other than board members may nominate someone to be considered for the Hall of Fame. The nominator is required to provide all necessary paperwork. All nominations of said nominees to the Sports Hall of Fame of Calhoun County shall be in writing and must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Board on the form provided by the Board of Directors. An official nomination form may be requested at the following address: Sports Hall of Fame of Calhoun County, P.O. Box 729, Jacksonville, Alabama 36265 or can be submitted at the website All completed paper nomination forms must be sent to P.O. Box 729 Jacksonville, Alabama 36265. All online or paper nominations must be submitted to and received by the board by February 1st each year for consideration for induction into that year’s class.
All nominees will be screened extensively. Statistics, old record books, scrapbooks, video and audio media, newspaper, magazine, or other printed media will be considered when possible.
While each nominee’s athletic achievements will be of prime importance and consideration, his or her post-athletic record, as a citizen, will be weighed. A person must have also proven worthy as a citizen by carrying the ideals of athletics forward into his or her occupational endeavors and community service.
After the charter class, the Board of Directors shall select a maximum of six (6) inductees each year.
Induction shall be held annually in June at a time and place to be selected by the Board of Directors.
No board member or immediate family member of a Board member is eligible for membership while the Board member is serving on the Board of Directors without serving on the board for at least ten (10) years. Board members may not make nominations.
Once a person is nominated, the nominee will be considered each year for induction. However, further information about the nominee may be added to his or her file.
When all of the nominees are before the Board of Directors, a vote of the majority of all Board of Directors eligible to vote is necessary to elect the top six (6) vote-getters into the Sports Hall of Fame of Calhoun County.
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